Your Strategy Session is Booked! Just one last step... Complete this questionnare to confirm your timeslot Name First Last TitleBusiness Name*Website*Email* Phone#1 Competitor Website#2 Competitor Website#3 Competitor WebsiteBe real - What is the biggest challenge in your business that’s stopping you from hitting your goals? What have you tried that hasn’t worked? What has held you back from reaching your goals?*The more specific you are here the faster we’ll get you clarity during our call togetherWhat type of marketing have you tried in the past or are doing now?*How do you generate leads and new customers for your business? How do people learn about your business?What keywords do you want to show up for when people do an online search for your business?*What are your current benchmarks?*Any info you can provide will help: Ave sale amount, # of leads & # of new customers per month, Customer Lifetime Value, etc. If you know your current website conversion rate even better! But if you don't, no worries that's what we're here for 😉How do you FEEL about the current state of your business? And, how would it be better if we helped you reach your goals?*What would be the most important criteria for your success as we work together?- Select -Increase revenue dramatically (whatever it takes)Improved marketing systems with consultation (manage on your own)A trusted team to manage all of your marketing (more time back to work on other business needs)What would you say if I advised you to spend $1000 per month on ads to grow your business?*- Select -Know it’s what any serious business owner needs to doBe a little intimidated but would do it with a proven systemAvoid it all costsWhat is your monthly marketing budget?*- Select -Under $2k$2k - $4k$4k - $6k$6k - $10k$10k+How do you think we can help you?*How did you hear about us?*- Select -ReferralOnline searchSocial mediaEventAdvertisementOther YES! Send me (not so often) emails to help me market smarter PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ